Oh, I see. Krogstad. (Puts a macaroon into his mouth.) I dont understand. Mrs. Linde. Nora. Listen to me, Mrs. Helmer. Is a daughter not to be allowed to spare her dying father anxiety and care? (He bows, and goes out through the hall.). At the back, a door to the right leads to the entrance-hall, another to the left leads to Helmer's study. Yes; you see we had money then, and the doctors insisted on our going, so we started a month later. Have you really the courage to open up that question again? Nora. (Walking about.) But, dont tell anyone about the stranger man. I promised to get you that amount, on certain conditions. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. Small household cares and that sort of thing!You are a child, Nora. No, its impossible! And how the children will enjoy themselves, Torvald! Bought, did you say? Doctor Rank, Mrs. Linde. But it is true that I am both proud and glad to think that I was privileged to make the end of my mothers life almost free from care. Krogstad. Nora (smiling). Why do you laugh at that? (Goes into the room on the left. Fairly so, yes. That nearly made him angry, Christine. Nora (hiding the packet). Shuts the door of the stove and moves the rocking-chair aside.). There is no need. Yes, Torvald wants me to. Mrs. Linde (looks hard at her, lays down her sewing and gets up slowly). The play is set in a Norwegian town circa 1879. Mrs. Linde. He is just like one of the family. And the same goes for all of my patients. Can you explain it to me? Mrs. Linde. How delightful! Even though Ibsen denied he intended to write a feminist play, A Dolls House was significant in its day for how it deals with the fate of a married woman. So am I! Pooh!those were trifles. (HELMER goes into his room. Nora. Be quiet!that he had died; and that when his will was opened it contained, written in big letters, the instruction: The lovely Mrs. Nora Helmer is to have all I possess paid over to her at once in cash.. Nora. Papa died on the 29th of September. Mrs. Linde (going up to her). Nora. The NURSE comes in with the children.) Still, one must take you as you are. Many a man has been able to retrieve his character, if he has openly confessed his fault and taken his punishment. The same little featherhead! Look, here is a new suit for Ivar, and a sword; and a horse and a trumpet for Bob; and a doll and dollys bedstead for Emmy,they are very plain, but anyway she will soon break them in pieces. He was rich at that time, then? You dont recognise me, I suppose. But his business was a precarious one; and, when he died, it all went to pieces and there was nothing left. Courtesy of Etsy seller LittleFavored These adorable miniatures are meant for doll houses, but we say put them wherever makes you the happiest. Your skylark would chirp about in every room, with her song rising and falling. We will have such fun together! I have all I want. What should make you think I have any influence of that kind with my husband? If it is a caller, remember I am not at home. Dont let them come in to me! Each breath the children take in such a house is full of the germs of evil. And I do so want to look nice at the fancy-dress ball. Mrs. Linde. Near the window are a round table, arm-chairs and a small sofa. (She and the children laugh and shout, and romp in and out of the room; at last NORA hides under the table, the children rush in and out for her, but do not see her; they hear her smothered laughter, run to the table, lift up the cloth and find her. Well, I had to turn my hand to anything I could find- -first a small shop, then a small school, and so on. Mrs. Linde. I think I have heard something of the kind. My goodness, cant you understand that? Yes, he is in. And, as that is so, there is a discrepancy (taking a paper from his pocket) which I cannot account for. We participate in affiliate programs, including the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn commission incomes by advertising and linking to amazon.com. I have just been into the bank. But it is a good thing that our hard times are over. Nora. Nora. This book has 58 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1879. But Nora, Nora is not so silly as you think. Nora, his wife. Helmer. Krogstad. Laura had signed an illegal loan to find a cure for her husband's illness. No, take this armchair; I will sit here in the rocking-chair. (The PORTER thanks her, and goes out. Every lawyer is familiar with the fact. Nurse, I want you to tell me something I have often wondered abouthow could you have the heart to put your own child out among strangers? They say he carries on various kinds of business. Is Doctor Rank a man of means? This is something different. She is a great friend of yours, isnt she? LINDE.) Oh, I am sure I dont want anything. Pooh! Nora. And you naturally did so at once, because five or six days afterwards you brought me the bond with your fathers signature. It was one of those rash friendships that so often prove an incubus in afterlife. Nora. A Dolls House (pdf) is a three-act play written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. They will all be revealed tonight when the Christmas Tree is lit, no doubt. Then I will wrap it up in beautiful gilt paper and hang it on the Christmas Tree. Nora. No, keep the change. Nora (laughing). No, dogs dont bite nice little dolly children. Nora. It all depends on the signature of the name; and that is genuine, I suppose, Mrs. Helmer? Very well, I will think it over, we shall manage to hit upon something. I think so, too. Nora. How kind you are, Nora, to be so anxious to help me! I must make an end of it with the other one, and that will be behind his back too. Excuse me, maamthere is a gentleman to see the master, and as the doctor is with him, Krogstad (at the door). Very well. Let me ask you a question; why did you not send the paper to your father? Mrs. Linde. Mrs. Linde (goes on sewing. Its wonderfully lovely to hear you say so! (RANK, HELMER, and Mrs. LINDE go downstairs. Is a wife not to be allowed to save her husbands life? My precious little singing-bird! He said I was thoughtless, and that it was his duty as my husband not to indulge me in my whims and capricesas I believe he called them. (She gets them into the room by degrees and shuts the door on them; then sits down on the sofa, takes up a piece of needlework and sews a few stitches, but soon stops.) He has consumption of the spine, poor creature. Someone is coming now! It can easily be put in orderjust a little patience. But since you ask, you shall know. I thought your maid said the gentleman who arrived here just as I did, was the doctor? Still I think the sick are those who most need taking care of. Oh, you must be! It will be splendid to have heaps of money and not need to have any anxiety, wont it? How can you think of such a thing! Torvald, I am sure you will be able to do something for Christine, for my sake, wont you? Yes, we have known each other since then. Ah! Nora. Of course, no one will come today, Christmas Daynor tomorrow either. So you know all about it; I thought as much. Rank. My mother was alive then, and was bedridden and helpless, and I had to provide for my two younger brothers; so I did not think I was justified in refusing his offer. And has no one to provide for? Maid (to HELMER). What do you say? And it would put me in a horribly disagreeable position. But you must believe me, Mr. Krogstad; it is not in my power to help you at all. No. Oh, if it is a wife who has any head for businessa wife who has the wit to be a little bit clever. Nora (contemptuously). Nora. Krogstad. Without the financial help of people like yourself, this site wouldn't be able to continue running. If only I could be sure nothing would happen here in the meantime. Nora. Nora. Krogstad. Just now. are you back already?. All my patients are like that. Oh, its you, Christine. You mustnt look at the parcels, Ivar. For myself? Nora. A bell rings in the hall; shortly afterwards the door is heard to open. Keep your little Christmas secrets to yourself, my darling. Nora. If my husband does get to know of it, of course he will at once pay you what is still owing, and we shall have nothing more to do with you. Rank. (Puts his arm round her waist.) Mrs. Linde (in a dejected and timid voice). Run away in, my sweet little darlings. Well, worse than that might happen. I have a small post in the Bank, and I hear your husband is to be our chief now. [Exit MAID.]. My poor, dear Christine, do forgive me. Nora. A Housemaid. I think I passed you on the stairs when I arrived, Mrs. Linde? What a nuisance! Nora. Nora. Nora. But, look here; your father has dated his signature the 2nd of October. Nora. <> stream Do you suppose I didnt try, first of all, to get what I wanted as if it were for myself? That is correct; I have ascertained it for myself. Its delightful to think of, isnt it? Weve done this by collecting out-of-copyright full texts of the worlds most-read books and made them available for you to read wherever you are. Its perfectly glorious to think that we havethat Torvald has so much power over so many people. Then I gave you the bond to send by post to your father. As you please, Torvald. I have come to look for work. I feel so relieved and so happy, Christine! That was why I could not stand the life in my little backwater any longer. A short silence). Everyday regularly. I hope it may be easier here to find something which will busy me and occupy my thoughts. Nora (humming and smiling with an air of mystery). Papa died just at that time. Mrs. Linde. Helmer. Nora. Copyright GoodPDFBooks.com. Now I will show you that I too have something to be proud and glad of. Do you still think I am of no use? Mrs. Linde. Krogstad. When anyone is in a subordinate position, Mr. Krogstad, they should really be careful to avoid offending anyone whowho. Production notes: This ebook of A Dolls House was published by Global Grey on the 14th March 2021, and updated on the 17th April 2022. As a matter of fact, it is something you could help me with. Nora. I should not know who they were. Then I suppose you have come to town to amuse yourself with our entertainments? Yes, Torvald, I cant get along a bit without your help. But tell me, is Doctor Rank always as depressed as he was yesterday? But where did you get it from, then? Nora. Nora. But tell me thisis he perfectly sincere? (Introducing him). Good. Yes; it is three years ago now. At first he used to seem almost jealous if I mentioned any of the dear folk at home, so naturally I gave up doing so. Nurse. You mean that perhaps Torvald could get you something to do. Mrs. Linde. Nora. You look down upon me altogether, Christinebut you ought not to. (Puts his arm round her waist.) She is troubled by her husbands behavior regarding a scandal of the loaned money. No, a wife cannot borrow without her husbands consent. Yes, I go up very slowly; I cant manage stairs well. Well, of course it can be explained; your father may have forgotten to date his signature, and someone else may have dated it haphazard before they knew of his death. If you speak slightingly of my husband, I shall turn you out of the house. Mrs. Linde. But, tell me, was it really something very bad that this Krogstad was guilty of? So I took to the business that you know of. No one will come. That was the saddest time I have known since our marriage. Trying to frighten me like that!I am not so silly as he thinks. Its a shame to say that. (Listens.) What, out again? (Puts on his coat.) How do you do, Nora? Engravings on the walls; a cabinet with china and other small objects; a small book-case with well-bound books. What do you mean? I! Your mind was so taken up with your husbands illness, and you were so anxious to get the money for your journey, that you seem to have paid no attention to the conditions of our bargain. Come in here, Torvald, and see what I have bought. Nora (walking about). Bob shall hide first. Today? In the Lottery? Tests whether or not your browser accepts cookies. But this tactless fellow lays no restraint on himself when other people are present. Nora. Mrs. Linde. Hm!suppose I were to tell him? bring the Tree in. Act Three. Your information will never be shared, and you can unsubscribe at any time. I told him how much I should love to travel abroad like other young wives; I tried tears and entreaties with him; I told him that he ought to remember the condition I was in, and that he ought to be kind and indulgent to me; I even hinted that he might raise a loan. Nora. With me?(To the children, gently.) Christine! But he was so ill thenalas, there never was any need to tell him. Nora. The play aroused a great sensation at the time and caused a storm of outraged controversy that went beyond the theatre to the world of newspapers and society. Torvald, couldnt you take me in hand and decide what I shall go as, and what sort of a dress I shall wear? No, Torvald, I neednt any longer, need I! Krogstad. Yes, anyhow I think it would be delightful to have what one needs. Do you remember last Christmas? Helmer. The book is perfect for those who wants to read classics, drama books. Let me tell you thisyou ought to make an end of it with Doctor Rank. One would hardly believe how expensive such little persons are! This book has 58 pages in the PDF version, and was originally published in 1879. Must I hide? The little ones are begging so hard to be allowed to come in to mamma. Have you had great fun? Stuff and nonsense! Perhaps I got it from some other admirer. I thought you said yourself just now. A DOLL'S HOUSE. Nora. Used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Are you sure of that? A Dolls House: A Play is a beautiful novel written by the famous author Henrik Ibsen. Mrs. Linde. Right now, in fact, there's just such a moral invalid in there with Helmer." (Act I) Helmer. Its not true. Naturally I did not mean you to put that construction on it. Nora. There is no one else out there, is there? Perhaps a little older; very, very little; certainly not much. I ought to tell you that we had it from papa. In the middle of the left-hand wall is a door, and beyond it a window. Such red cheeks like apples and roses. Last winter I was lucky enough to get a lot of copying to do; so I locked myself up and sat writing every evening until quite late at night. There they are! Really! Rank. The play is significant for the way it deals with. Helmer. I am looking forward tremendously to the fancy-dress ball at the Stenborgs the day after tomorrow. No, I am sure of that; besides, you gave me your word (Going up to her.) A lamp is burning on the table. I should like to hear what it is, first. Part of the Encyclopaedia Britannicas Great Books of the Western World set. There is another reason well, I may as well tell you. She wrote to me when she was confirmed, and when she was married. so my obstinate little woman is obliged to get someone to come to her rescue? As it does for the morally afflicted too. But, perhaps(opens the door and looks out). well, its very likely I may be able to find something for you. Oh! Nora. Papa didnt give us a shilling. Go in to them. A lawyer of the name of Krogstad, a fellow you dont know at all. Nora. He would make my position in the Bank intolerable. Wasnt that a happy thought of mine, now? Certainly Torvald does understand how to make a house dainty and attractive. Nora. 10) It was almost like being a man. Helmer. Tell me, is it really true that you did not love your husband? Nora. (Begins to busy herself putting the childrens things in order.) (Holds out his hands to her.) Helmer. Does my little Nora acknowledge that at last? Is it imprudent to save your husbands life? Nora. Dont disturb me. Then I used to sit here and imagine that a rich old gentleman had fallen in love with me, Nora.
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